Today, we will talk about compiler technology inside Nadya, which analyzes & optimizes user’s code under the hood, and generates best possible output that runs fast and efficient on target hardware.
Jaewoo Kim
2024년 7월 8일
Hello, my name is Jaewoo Kim, and I am developing Nadya at ENERZAi. Today, we will talk about compiler technology inside Nadya, which analyzes & optimizes user’s code under the hood, and generates best possible output that runs fast and efficient on target hardware.
Nadya Optimizing Compiler (ndc)
is the name of our compiler, which coverts Nadya code into binary (Not just a ‘binary’, it’s highly optimized binary that only ndc
can provide). Nadya optimizing compiler is our backbone technology on building fast computational kernels used in Optimium. Moreover, it allows any programmers to write fast and efficient program without knowing too much details about hardware. Let me introduce brief process under the hood.
Parsing & lexing user code into Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)
As we all know, computer does not understand human language, (such as English or Korean). They only know machine language composed of 0s and 1s. However, we all know no one wants to code with brain damaging numbers (If you see someone who does, you should probably consider taking them to hospital).
Compiler is a software that solves this problem. It translates code written in human-readable language into machine code. The first step to do so is parsing & lexing.
Lexer decomposes code into ‘tokens’, which is a minimum piece of component inside the code that means something.
For example, let’s say we write the following code.
If Lexer reads this piece of string, it decomposes the code into the following tokens.
, myVar
, =
, a
, +
, 1
This case is simple however, in real world, same kind of character may have different meaning. (For example, <
means ‘less than’ normally. However, in the syntax cast<i32>(...)
, <
refers to the beginning of type expression). Therefore, parser & lexer needs to be context-sensitive, which is resolved by two-pass parsing in Nadya.
Parser takes the tokens from the lexer and returns an Abstract syntax tree (AST in short). AST transforms code into tree-like structure that defines the program. Each node of the AST represents semantics of the language, which defines how program should behave in certain condition.
Let’s transform the code above into AST defined in Nadya

As we can see here, This tree contains several important information that’s required to execute the program.
Components of the program(Literal, id, number…)
How they are structured
In order to execute the semantics of node “let”, we need the results of node “myVar” and “Add”. In other words, you need to traverse this tree in proper order to execute the program.
Operations on AST
Using AST, Nadya performs certain conversions and analysis on the AST. One of the analysis is type inference. Type inference process is done on this AST, inferencing the resulting type of the operation. For example, if we take a look at the AST above, we can find out that a
and 1
are 32bit integers, and the added result should be a 32bit integer as well. Specifically, Nadya uses advanced algorithm inspired by HM (Hindley Milner) algorithm to achieve this task. In this process, Nadya resolves type of all expressions, including template types, and tells user if there are any type mismatches.
Another thing that Nadya performs on AST is constant folding. Constant folding is the mechanism for the compiler that pre-calculates deterministic values on compile time rather than runtime, reducing the execution cost. For example, in the AST above, if compiler can determine value of a
statically, it can add it to 1
and replace the add node with the added value. Nadya performs this both on AST level and afterwards using IR (described later). Simple ones are handled using AST, and complicated ones (Considering branches and dead code elimination) is performed on IR. Pre-calculating constant folding on AST has benefits since it reduces size of AST, and it makes other analysis or operations performed on AST faster and more efficient.
Operations on Intermediate representation
Once AST has been constructed, AST can be turned into intermediate representation of the IR. Intermediate representation is layer between AST and machine code that expresses the program. IR generator traverses ast, creating IR that preserves all operations on AST.
In Nadya, different kind of IRs are organized together to represent whole structure of the program.
Each IR represents semantics of the expression. For example, adding tensors can be represented as IR, such astensor.add %a, %b : (tensor<i32, 4>, tensor<i32, 4>) -> tensor<i32, 4>
. This represents compiler should figure out way to add two tensors, and convert them into assembly.
In case of Nadya, we need to perform complicated optimization process using this IR. These optimization process may have various layers. For example, determining if loop can be parallelized can be done with high-level context, but choosing right hardware intrinsic function to run certain code has to be determined using low-level context, where we know exactly which operations are going to happen.
Therefore, Nadya uses multiple layer of intermediate representation for processing various optimizations, based on MLIR. In Nadya and MLIR, we call this kind of IR ‘Dialect’. Here are lists of dialects and some optimizations performed on the corresponding dialect.
High-level dialects
NadyaCore dialect
Models ownership semantics of Nadya programing model
Models pattern matching and union types
Models user defined type operations
Forwarding l-values to r-value is performed here
Mem2Reg (forwarding memory load-stores to SSA value) is performed here
2. NadyaFunc dialect
Models function calls, symbols, and closures
Inlining optimization is performed here
3. NadyaSCF dialect
Models control flow of the program
Analysis on parallelism, unroll is performed here
Analysis simplication of if/else operation is performed here
Loop invariant code motion (LICM) is performed here
4. NadyaAST dialect
Models AST construction feature of Nadya
Mid-level dialects
NadyaArith dialect
Models arithmetic operations performed on Nadya
Optimization on arithmetics are performed here
Code vectorization is performed here
2. NadyaTensor dialect
Models operation on tensors
Optimization on tensor memory operations are performed here
Low-level dialects
NadyaBase dialect
Models pointers, indirect calls, struct access
2. NadyaNeon dialect
Models Intrinsic forwarding to ARM Neon intrinsics
Each dialect is positioned on certain hierarchy, performing its own purpose. Each dialects can interact each other for performing certain analysis and transformations, but they all have their own role.
Progressively, ndc
converts operations written in high-level IR into low-level IR. It can also update on its own without coverting itself to other kind of dialects. However, conversion from lower-level dialect to higher-level dialect cannot be performed (That’s why we call it ‘hierarchy’)
Here is the example of an IR. This IR has been converted directly from AST, resolving semantics of the program.
After running vectorization and shape inference pass, above IR is translated as follows.
You can see some -1
converted to actual number. This can be generated because compiler performed constant propagation pass, with automatic shape inference. That is, compiler pre-computes deterministic values on the program, and inferences the shape of the tensor being used in the program.
Compiler also finds out vectorization opportunity on the program. We can see some tensors with vector
attached at the end. This means operations on such tensor can be performed with SIMD intrinsics, without any side effects.
If we go further, the IR is converted as follows.
Now, we can see compiler generated a loop. In this loop, we can see elements are accessed with index from the memory, and compiler is performing operation on it. for the tensors with vector
attached to its type, operation can be forwarded into SIMD. However, for this specific case, size of the tensor is 1, so its forwarded as normal add operation. (if it was any bigger than 1, it would be translated to SIMD operation, such as AVX or Neon).
Now, with some further optimizations, this IR can be coverted into LLVM.
After performing progressive lowering with MLIR, it is finally converted into LLVM IR, which is another intermediate representation determined in LLVM project.
Here is the LLVM representation of body of above loop.
We can see LLVM is still performing what we were doing previously, generating correct function output.
This LLVM IR can be converted into binary after performing LLVM’s internal optimization passes, (The ones included in clang -O3) and that becomes final output of the ndc
Nadya language has its own semantics which makes compiler analysis easier, and our customized intermediate representation maximizes this strength. Nadya semantics, its IR, and optimization passes on it collaborate together for generating fast and efficient code.